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Zion National Park

We spent 2 days exploring Zion National Park.  We started at the East Entrance and worked our way to the West Entrance near the Visitor Center.  The drive from the East is a thriller, winding roads, a plethora of colors and a mile long tunnel!  Carol had read that there are Big Horn Sheep, but they were very shy and rarely seen, well that created a major challenge to find them.  We stopped at every pull off to use binoculars to find the sheep (Carol looked through the binoculars so long she had motion sickness)! After searching for a several minutes, Carol said she found some!  I used the 400MM zoom lens and found them also….it was amazing that she found them from so far away. 

The next day we investigated the northern section of Koloa Canyon of Zion and did a short hike to an overlook that enabled us to see the edge of the Grand Canyon! We were still on the lookout for Big Horn Sheep so we went back to the main section of Zion and drove the East/West Road, again searching with binoculars. Once we went through the tunnel we thought we were skunked, but as we rounded a hairpin curve there were 4 Big Horn Sheep, just 20’ from the road!  Mission Accomplished!

The “scenic” drive up the canyon to “the Narrows” and Lodge is only accessible via Park Shuttle bus.  Given there was a bacteria in the water and the Covid situation, we did not go to that part of the park.  (We had visited that section 5 years ago, so we did not feel slighted.) We also visited Cedar Breaks National Monument, Quail Creek State Park and Red Rock Canyon.

For the Zion leg of the trip we stayed in Cedar City, UT at an RV park, near a Juvenile Detention Center!  LOL!

From Cedar City we headed to Las Vegas for some necessary appointments; Tundra 20K mile service and the Airstream some minor warranty work.  


1st sighting of Big Horn
2nd sighting

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Atom

    Reminds me of our Big Horn Sheep “mission“ in Canmore Canada. Glad you found them!

  2. John Pritchett

    So happy you’re enjoying your journey, keep the updates coming , I enjoy them and thanks for sharing with us

  3. Rosemary Hill

    Great photos!
    So glad you found some Big Horns !!

  4. Susan

    Mission accomplished and great pictures. Remember our Canmore search which was fun but fruitless. Enjoy Las Vegas, win some money so you can keep on traveling…LOL!

    1. Colleen

      No covidville casinos!

  5. Scott

    Do you all have a Pintrist page? Have you thought about telling about the equipment and hacks you use? What works and what doesn’t? We are out on our first trip with our new trailer and the learning curve has been steep. I bought stuff that was recommended on pintrist that will never come out of the box. Other suggestions have been quite handy. Love to hear what works for you.

    1. Colleen

      I have a review area on our website. Probably will start using that for reviews. The learning curve is a steep one that is for sure. We just had to have our deadbolt replaced and a new water pump…both under warranty. If you have any questions!

  6. Terry

    Glad you got to hit that section of Utah – beautiful place and great time of year to visit. Be safe . . . Onward!

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