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Alamo Lake State Park

When we left Organ Pipe National Monument we headed to Alamo Lake State Park.  The park features a 26 sq. mile lake, wild burros and many, many quail!  

The road to the park is over 30 miles from the main road!  There are lots of exploring opportunities at this park and you are able to get off the beaten path on dirt roads through BLM land.  We were able to fly the drone on some dirt roads to get shots of the lake.  

We saw our first wild burros on the road from the visitor center!  The burros look so healthy and they would just stand there to allow their portraits to be taken.  

There was only one developed trail in the park that went from the boat ramp to the visitor center.  We enjoyed our stay, but doubt we would return unless we had a boat with us. 

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Robb

    Some of those pics are frame worthy

    1. Colleen

      Thanks! What one did you really like?

    2. Carol


  2. Tracey Schaaf

    It is beautiful.

    1. Colleen

      We loved Arizona…

  3. Del

    Continue to enjoy the sunshine.

    1. Carol

      Thanks. Don’t miss Syracuse snow!

  4. Daneen

    Bring me home a baby burro!

    1. Colleen

      They looked so clean! I think a baby burro would make a great pet! LOL

  5. John Pritchett

    Burro’s we dont need no stinky Burro’s… haha…did you all pet them.. or were they skiddish…glad to see your having fun.. Where are the Christmas lights at the campground..tis the Season… 🙂

    1. Carol

      Burros didn’t let you get too close. Pictures are with zoom lens. Haven’t decorated yet.. but soon!

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