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The Slot, Borrego Springs

The Slot is a narrow siltstone slot canyon near Borrego Springs, CA in the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.  We went to do this hike on New Years Day but the crowds were unmanageable.  We returned early one morning and we were the 2nd car in the lot!  There is a 3 mile dirt access road to get the The Slot.  

We hiked counter clockwise that forced us up a deep sand road…it was daunting from the bottom looking up, but once we got to the top, it didn’t seem that bad…🤷‍♀️.  

The actual slot canyon is about a mile long through very tight openings then about 1.5 miles to finish the loop.  There were a couple sections we had to take our waist packs off to get through! We got to a open sandy area and Carol gasped and told me to, “WATCH OUT!”, I looked around quickly and said, “WHAT?” Carol pointed to a beetle about a 1/2” long on the ground and I still questioned her, “what?”, she said there is a TARANTULA!  Wow, I explained that it was a beetle not a TARANTULA! LOL. (Later Carol said, “It could have been a baby tarantula without it’s hair!) LOL!

This hike/experience is now in the top ten of or list of must see.  We have incorporated the highlights in the attached video!  There is also a new gallery in the photo gallery!

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Robb

    Love love love the video! Great choice of music!

    1. Colleen

      This was one of the coolest places…glad you liked it!

  2. Kathy and Kleo

    Fantastic music with the drone video!!

    1. Colleen

      Thanks! You would have loved this area!

  3. Susan Wall

    Awesome video guys, best yet! Loved the ending and the guest appearance by the tarantula disguised as a beetle…LOL!

    1. Colleen

      It was an amazing hike! So fun except the sand mountain to climb! Next one is going to be really cool! Mud caves!

  4. Tom Manson

    I think you have a new career ahead. I’ve seen professional videos that weren’t half as good as this. I got to start my day with a cup of java, feet up and a trip through the canyon. Life doesn’t get any better. Travel safe!

    1. Colleen

      Thank you! Hopefully the videos are getting better..we sure do enjoy making them. We are having the time of our lives. This was one of the highlights!

  5. Tracey Schaaf

    Oh My God…
    You guys are amazing.

    1. Colleen

      Thanks! We are having a blast!

  6. Daneen

    Wow what an interesting area! I’ve always wanted to do a slot canyon (like Antelope) but wasn’t aware of this area. Your video is excellent with great music to boot! You girls are sure getting in some hiking! Carry on!

    1. Colleen

      This was such a surprise! We knew it was popular, but not SPECIAl like this! Loving this trip.

  7. Cindy

    Look out National Geographic – you have competition. The video was mesmerizing.

    1. Colleen

      Thanks….we are having a blast and I really enjoy making the videos and flying the drone!

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