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Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Travel update

Due to Covid everyone must get online tickets to tour Carlsbad Cavern.  We had tickets for 9am on Monday!  There are 2 ways to get into the cavern…by elevator that goes down approx. 1000’ or you can walk the Natural Entrance that followed the first explorers’ route, also descending approx. 1000’; we chose the Natural Entrance!  This route enters through a large “natural” hole and the path is similar to hiking the Grand Canyon!  It is hard to explain how steep the paved trail is, with switchback after switchback and fairly dark.  The “natural entrance” travels about a mile and a half to get to the “big room” that is almost 4,000 feet long, 625 feet wide, and 255 feet  high at its highest point. The Big Room is the largest chamber in North America and the thirty-first largest in the world!  The good news, you take the elevator out!  We did not see any bats, but we did see cave swallows in flight entering and leaving the cavern.  

This was an amazing experience, one that we highly recommend.  

Travel update:

Next is Leasburg Dam State Park, White Sands National Park, then City of Rocks State Park and Elephant Butte State Park.  We will be in New Mexico for the remainder of April and the early part of May.  

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. John Pritchett

    Nope Notta gonna go down in that cavern… ibis jeebys just thinking about it…but thanks for the pics and tour…enjoy yourself …how you like the truck…better than gas right…JP

    1. Colleen

      Never gave it much thought that we were that deep into the earth! 😬

    2. Carol

      Love the truck! Pulls up the hills like nothing is there.

  2. Marge


    1. Colleen

      It really was amazing and exceeded all expectations!

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