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Mesa Verde National Park, Long House

Lots of catch up!  The SilverVagabonds arrived in Virginia last Sunday.  We spent 2 days on the road with Susan & Atom but in St. Louis we parted after a month together!  It was sad to part, honestly there were some tears!  More updates below. 

Mesa Verde National Park

While in Southwest Colorado we stayed at Morefield Campground inside the park.  The campground had so many bees that we did not spend much of any time outside at the campground! 

Long House:

We had timed entry to the “Long House” dwelling.  For the sensitive areas/dwellings the amount of people allowed are controlled by reservations.

Long House is located on Wetherill Mesa in the western portion of Mesa Verde National Park. Long House is reached by driving out a 12 mile winding road that leaves the main park road just beyond the Far View Lodge. Once you reach the end of the auto road the rest of the access is on foot.  The hike to Long House is about a 1.5 mile downhill on some paved area, narrow stairs and typical path.

The path was hot with very little shade but the heat was well worth it.  The cliff dwellings have been very well preserved and the limiting of people has surely helped.  Once at the dwelling, there were 3 park rangers answering questions and giving some history.  To reach the upper levels we needed to climb two 15’ wooden rung ladders.  Because they were dark brown and in direct sun, the ladders were so hot it was truly difficult to hold on!   With timed entry, you have one hour to hike in, tour the dwelling and hike out.  My opinion that was a bit aggressive for such an interesting and vast ruin.  But we followed the rules and it was a fascinating experience.  

After Mesa Verde, we traveled to Colorado Springs…Pikes Peak and Garden of the Gods.

Travel Updates:

The new Airstream is delayed about 4 weeks.  The arrival date is now mid-October so we are making the best of it hanging out in Virginia.  We are splitting our time at Powhatan State Park and Chippokes Plantation State Park.  Our eBikes arrived and we are taking them out today for a ride!  More to come!

Enjoy the Video!

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Susan

    Loved living that day again! Will always remember when we rounded that bend in the path and got the first view of the dwellings. It took my breath. Was a very spiritual place and loved sharing it with you guys! We miss the fearsome foursome but sure we have more adventures in our future! ❤️

    1. Colleen

      I know…what an experience! We miss our foursome, that’s for sure! We have more memories to share!

  2. Becky and Marci

    Just beautiful. You all sure have been blessed with the weather, other than it being hot, still only one downpour that I know of and you were driving that day I believe. Love the dwellings, can’t recall where I hiked along some, perhaps AZ.
    Can’t wait for more videos from your 2nd year of travels!!

    1. Colleen

      This just showed up! Thanks…

  3. john

    Wow again, another to place on our travels in the future. The trail looked a little narrow along the drop off you all sure are brave… glad to hear the travel went well with safe return to Va. hope the new AS will come in a bit early for you all
    Camp on 🙂

  4. Daneen

    Another awesome video with those spectacular Clift Dwellings. Of course I loved the horses at the end also😉

    1. Colleen

      These were so well preserved! The actually “felt” so special……as if you could feel the spirits!

  5. Del

    Beautiful ,, thx for sharing the video with us.
    Continue to bless us with your travels.

    1. Carol

      Thanks… we’re so excited. Glad you’re following along.

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