Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Travel update

Due to Covid everyone must get online tickets to tour Carlsbad Cavern.  We had tickets for 9am on Monday!  There are 2 ways to get into the elevator that goes down approx. 1000’ or you can walk the Natural Entrance that followed the first explorers’ route, also descending approx. 1000’; we chose the Natural Entrance!  This route enters through a large “natural” hole and the path is similar to hiking the Grand Canyon!  It is hard to explain how steep the paved trail is, with switchback after switchback and fairly dark.  The “natural entrance” travels about a mile and…

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The Texas Panhandle!

Welcome to Texas!  After our day in Prison outside of Knoxville TN we decided to head west sooner than later.  It took 3 days to arrive in Texas.  We are Caprock State Park in Quitaque TX.  This park has free roaming bison that are direct descendants of the original free roaming bison herd. At one time there were as many as 30-60 million bison free roaming the plains until the “great slaughter” where professional hide hunters killed off so many bison the the herd was down to less than 1000!  We have had the opportunity to observe the bison in…

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Brushy Mountain State Pen!

We left Richmond on Thursday, spent the night in Wytheville, VA then headed to Melton Dam State Park outside of Knoxville.  Our site was a challenge due to it being on the edge of the road with just enough space for the Airstream and monster truck! We had the Airstream perfectly situated and realized the hookups were too far away!  So we had to maneuver again in a very narrow area....Our destination for this stop was Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary for a tour!  Brushy Mountain State Pen operated from 1896 - 2009 and housed the most dangerous men in TN.…

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Brunswick, Fort Frederica, Travel Update

We spent 5 days in the Brunswick GA area.  We visited Fort Frederica National Monument, St. Simon Island and Jekyll Island.  Our campground was at Blythe Regional Park.   Fort Frederica Three years after founding Georgia in 1733, Gen. James Edward Oglethorpe established Fort Frederica to defend the fledgling colony against Spanish attack from Florida. In time, long after the British garrison had left and the original townspeople abandoned Frederica. St. Simon Island

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