Tuzigoot Ruins, Jerome State Park

Yesterday we toured Tuzigoot Ruins in Clarkdale AZ and then spent the day in Jerome AZ.  The Tuzigoot Ruins are a National Monument  (Tuzigoot is Apache for “crooked water”) and is remnant of the Southern Sinagua village built between 1000 and 1400.  The original pueblo was two stories tall in places with 87 ground floor rooms. There were few exterior doors; entry was by ladders through roof openings.    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuzigoot_National_Monument  We then drove up to Jerome State Park.  The state park tells the story of the city of Jerome within the Douglas Mansion. The Douglas Mansion has been in Jerome…

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I am love the red rocks of Sedona...Working on several different versions.  This is a picture of the inspiration. 

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