California Condors, Wow!

On Friday we drove a 40 mile dirt road near Kanab, UT and came across a California Condor viewpoint.  While there we met a guy that works for the Peregrine Fund, saving the California Condors.  While there we did see them on the cliffs, but they were really far away.  Our new friend said that we needed to go to the Navajo Bridge in the morning to see them up close. So, today we drove early to the Navajo Bridge...holy cow...the condors were everywhere!  The California Condor is one of the rarest birds in the world. It is the largest flying…

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Boiling Springs State Park, OK

Spent last night at Boiling Springs State Park, OK.  The park is known for it’s several springs throughout the park. We took a walk through the largest spring area and were greeted by an armadillo!  We are continuing our trek to Colorado.  Oklahoma is long, dry, hot and flat.  We can drive for miles and only see an occasional farm.  Very different than the east coast! Tonight we are staying at “Drive-In” movie RV park....I have a feeling it will be great or dismal! 🤣 

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